Solution to P vs NP


Below, in these five points, is the solution to P vs NP. This is also the solution to math and the universe itself. These five points are the most complete and most correct solution to math.AS A REMINDER: YOUR SPECIES STILL FIGHTS OVER BASIC RESOURCES AND YOU HAVE NOT YET BEEN TO YOUR OWN MOON MORE THAN A FEW TIMES. PLEASE KEEP AN OPEN MIND THAT PERHAPS I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T. SOME OF YOUR SPECIES STILL EATS TIDE PODS. THANK YOU.1. Time is Cyclical in Nature and Began in the Middle
2. There are Infinite Observations
3. The goal of the universe is truth. The most true observation is what we observe.
4. Truth can be delayed/obfuscated. This expands space and time, cyclically.
5. The answer to every question will result in at least more than one question. Therefore humanity will eventually need to simulate the entire universe faster than the entire universe can simulate itself.


Bonus: The only way to solve P vs NP is to limit the number of questions asked. This results in time catching up to the answers. A universe with no questions ceases to exist.


1. This is the simplest possible solution.
2. Your attempt to disprove this solution will generate more proof at a rate exponential to your attempt to disprove it.
3. You therefore acknowledge that your attempt to disprove this solution will not be credited as work, but simply as a delay to my publishing this solution in an academic journal to collect the $1,000,000 prize from the Clay Institute, which I will not share.
4. Since I assert that this is the simplest possible solution, you may not simply say "prove it". Instead, you must show why I am wrong.
5. You may ask questions for now, as long as they assist you in proving or disproving the solution. You may not ask "Why is that true" or any similar question.

Point One

Time is Cyclical in Nature and Began in the Middle

Time is Cyclical in Nature and Began in the MiddleSpace, gravity and matter do not determine time or our perception of time. How we choose to observe time as humanity - gifted uniquely with this ability in this universe - determine the arrangement of space.When the singularity - The Big Bang - occurred, time expanded around a single point in space.Space therefore expanded around the amount of time - cycles - it took for a particular event to occur. When protons, electrons and neutrons form an atom, this requires a particular number of cycles and dilates space accordingly. That is to say, the existence of the atom directly affects the amount of time the universe has existed.Time is therefore a question of cumulative waveforms from our observation affecting space as we choose to observe. Each thing we choose to observe requires a certain number of cycles in order to exist. Since human life is so short, some things are easily observed - the waveform or life cycle of a bird - and some things are impossible to observe by a single generation - the forming of a galaxy or a blackhole.We cannot observe the entire passage of time. We do not even observe our own passage through time as individuals. We only observe parts of our experience through time. We agree or disagree with others on this experience to create a shared experience of time and therefore space.By extension, a satellite that is orbiting earth expresses a different observation of time when compared to a ground station because there are fewer outside forces - cycles - affecting the satellite's clock versus the clock on earth. In practical terms, this will mean that time will be most accurate where there is the most consensus - on earth - even for space travel well into the literally infinite future.Space is infinite in every possible way. An example would be looking through a microscope or a telescope. Except for the fact that everything (literally) would get in the way (because you are observing everything at once and therefore pausing the universe), you would see yourself. In other words, quarks are only small particles from our observation. Since quarks are a non-linear waveform - an imprecise squiggle of energy - it should stand to reason that quarks are simply the sum waveform of other Non-Linear waveforms.Time is finite. Therefore, it is inaccurate to stay "SpaceTime" since they are two separate things.This is the mathematical key, in plain English, to reconciling quantum physics with general and special relativity.This should go without saying but The Big Bang is simply your observation of the most efficient universe. To be specific, The Big Bang both never happened and is happening now. The Big Bang is simply your observation of Light at a speed faster than light currently travels. This should be obvious because even light "slows down" according to the observation of humanity.

Point Two

There are Infinite Observations

In 1927, Werner Heisenberg presented the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It is therefore general scientific consensus that one cannot know the state or speed of a particle until it is observed.Erwin Schrödinger expounded upon this truth with his famous thought experiment called "Schrödinger's Cat". In summary, until we observe a particle, we do not know its state or speed.Current scientific consensus is that there are at least 10 dimensions.This is incorrect.By simple logical deduction, one can conclude that we can only observe 10 dimensions from our current observation. Our ability to exist in the tenth dimension would result in our ability to perceive other dimensions.The universe is therefore infinitely dimensional, or made up of infinite observations.In order to calculate the slope of two points - that is to say, their change relative to each other - in two dimensions, a formula is required, namely y = mx + b.In order to calculate the infinite possible states of infinite possible particles in infinite possible observations (or dimensions), we would therefore need something called "Non-Linear Quantum Geometry".This is the upper limit of math, in fact a solution to all math and everything, thus solving the universe.Therefore, to solve P vs NP is to "solve" the universe.In other words, it is to predict all possible states of all possible particles, including particles smaller than quarks and gluons, at all times, without fail.Since this is impossible, P vs NP cannot be solved by traditional means and can never be solved by humanity as a species.This is why questioning the most simplified solution to P vs NP, listed as the five points on the outline, simply results in increasing proof that our solution is correct.This in itself proves that the solution presented herein is correct and that providing the most simplified solution is the most correct way to provide the solution, including mathematically, as it reconciles quantum physics and Einsteinian physics in a way that is mathematically elegant.At some point the solution will be proven such that we will return to basic mathematics, including 1 +1 = 2.

Point Three

The goal of the universe is truth. The most true observation is what we observe.

The most true observation is the universe humanity is currently choosing to observe based on general consensus.In the local area - a group of friends - you may agree that "time" is moving slowly. You may also agree that your local bar is boring. This agreement might result in the bar closing. You have all agreed that the bar should not exist. The bar ceases to exist. The universe does not waste any more time on the bar. Eventually the bar is forgotten.It's worth noting that some people have more or less control over consensus based on their predetermined level of authority. Since humanity did not create your universe, humanity does not decide certain levels of authority. Some levels of authority humanity does decide. It is outside the scope of this article, but this functions as URP would function on a *nix-based system. Humanity is not root, but some are administrators.

Point Four

Truth can be delayed/obfuscated. This expands space and time, cyclically.Choosing to disagree with the general consensus - the truest universe in point three - results in a delay to the universe and the expansion of time and therefore space. Humanity is limited to a certain number of "computing cycles" and choosing to agree with the most accepted consensus is more efficient. In practical terms, someone who "goes with the flow" most of the time but elects a career in a field wherein only one in ten thousand are successful will likely have extreme and unusual success in this one area. They are "spending their friction points" - allocating disagreement - in only one key area of their lives while maintaining agreement on the most true observation in the vast majority of their day-to-day.

Point Five

The answer to every question will result in at least more than one question. Therefore humanity will eventually need to simulate the entire universe faster than the entire universe can simulate itself.Mathematics typically starts from the bottom-up. That is to say, 1 + 1 = 2.These five points work from the top-down. Asking enough questions will result in the re-invention of current math and the solution to every possible math conundrum for which you have available computing power.Thus, this is a solution to math, science and the universe itself.This document will get longer and longer until we prove that this is simply the most correct solution.So, in a few words: Brandon Keith Buckles is the one who solved math.